
Earn Cash for Rating Places You Go Everyday

April 17, 2015
I am always looking for great ways to save money and smartphone apps make it so easy nowadays! I was recently introduced to a beta app called “gRate Friends”

The company has a ton of funding and they are paying people to test this app, build users and ratings, and work out any bugs. They will send you a Mastercard debit card in 4-6 weeks and load money on it each month. The key is you get paid on your ratings, all of your friends’ ratings and their friends’ ratings (up to three generations) so you can make some extra cash if you really use it. You can rate any kind of business - daycare, vet, doctors’ offices and then of course your local restaurants, spas, etc.  It doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you own a smartphone!  

They JUST launched this, so I honestly don’t know what typical earnings are (so I don’t want to promise anything).  Only 2 people tested it in January and they made $700-750.  The developer said points are a vehicle for them to distribute money to the members.  Right now they are about a penny a point but as they grow the payout will increase. It’s fun and easy! 

To maximize this opportunity, be sure to use the app yourself to rate businesses but also invite friends and family to use it too!  Their points and their invitees points roll up to you!  

Rating example: While having lunch, having your hair done, stopping for gas, picking up dry-cleaning, sitting in the drive-thru, etc, rate the location by giving it a smiley face, write a quick comment, and take a picture (each part gives you points).

You can review any business and there is currently no limit to how many you can do per day. You can also review the same place multiple times (multiple Starbucks runs in one week maybe?)  The only restriction is a 10 minute pause between each review. They don't want you sitting in your car and reviewing 5 places back to back. Rate and review in real time and the 10 minute window between reviews won't impact your efforts at all. 

If you want to give it a shot, click here to send me an email, and I will email you an invite link through the app.  Or, you can try to list me as your sponsor after you download.  My gf user name is kingcamy (all lowercase).  You would enter in “kingcamy” as your sponsor when you sign up for the app (if it doesn’t work the first time, try again…let me know if you have any issues!  Sometimes the email link works best!)  

Seriously call me or message me with any questions.  I’m in contact with the developer daily, so if I don’t know the answer, I can always ask!  My number is 804.525.0270 or Facebook works!  My email is

Here is a quick video to sum up the app and testing program.

Company website -