
Cumascaigh School of Irish Dance

Newport News, VA
Phone: 757.947.4182Email:

The Cumascaigh School offers training for dancers looking to perform, compete or just have an amazing experience learning an art form that has transcended generations and crossed an ocean. Dancers will start with the basics and be exposed to solo dances, ceili (group) dances, and a more modern performance form of Irish Dance seen in many popular Irish Dancing shows across the country. Technique, poise, and stage presence are all things that students learn in class, however the strong bonds built by friendships and teamwork is what students of the Cumasciagh School can take with them through life.

Classes are held in Newport News, for adults and children from beginner to championships. No prior dance experience is required -- just the spirit to have fun! Introductory class is free.

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After receiving her Master's Degree and working in the public sector, Meghan decided to stay home with her three young children and teach others what she had so valued as a child and young adult, the art of Irish Dance.

Meghan Comaskey has been a certified Irish Dance instructor under the official international governing body, An Coimisian Le Rinci Gaelacha, since 2001 as well as a member of the North American Irish Dance Teacher's Association--Southern Region. Her dancing career started at the age of five and has lasted over 35 years. Meghan's passion for Irish Dancing quickly ascended her up the ranks to championship status but even moreso she enjoyed the friendships formed and the comadery of the schools she danced under. The skill of working and competing as a team was valuable and has stayed with her throughout all of her academic and professional endeavors. Meghan believes Irish dancing exposes the student to so much more than the art of dance; music and traditional Irish instruments, celtic sports and poetry, and many other cultural activities are all part of the experience and truly enhances the life of anyone who decides to participate.